
Showing posts from February, 2006

The New Aristocracy®

As more money flowed through Washington and as Washington's power to regulate our lives grew, opportunities and temptations for graft, influence peddling and cutting corners grew exponentially. Power breeds corruption. - Steve Forbes We the People. These three words open the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, a document regarded by most as the cornerstone of the American democratic experience. When Gouverneur Morris wrote the preamble, he was of course referring to the common man. The words were to represent the individuals that made up the American union. The Preamble itself was a statement documenting the purpose of the Constitution, and whom it's laws applied to and protected. I propose changing the terminology. I propose rewording these three words to read: We the Corportation. After all, let's get realistic here... who is running our country and who reaps the benefits thereof? The recent Abrhamoff scandals rocking Congress and K Street may only represent a small exampl...

Right Wing of the Week Award

What's worse than a Libertarian? A LINO... or Libertarian in Name Only. Meet Jonathan Leffingwell over at the pseudo-libertarian blog Crush Liberalism . You see, if you argue with Jon's extreme right-wing bullshit topics long enough, like most Bush apologists out there in the blogosphere...he gets itchier with that ban-nation trigger than an intoxicated Cheney at a drive-by quail hunt. Apparently, I must have pushed a few buttons as I'm banned from commenting. That's not surprising though... as it is ingrained in wingnut philosophy to silence what one either cannot defend or that presents an open window to reality. What is surprising is that he accused ME of trying to pass myself off as a Libertarian. Wha wha wha? [snip] And don't peddle your "I'm a libertarian" garbage here, since you spout the Kos kiddies' talking points verbatim. I noticed at Lisa Renee's "Liberal Common Sense" blog that you mention your support for the DNC, your v...

Hunting Crashers

Found this over at You Tube... pretty funny...

NYC or Bust

Welp. I'll be taking the rest of the week off from my little Blogger console. We'll be attending a Yugo wedding in North Jersey with my in-laws. I'm envisioning scenes from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Hopefully, some crazy old guy won't be squirting me with Windex. We'll also get to see a little bit of the Big Apple... a first for myself. We'll get to see some sites and be nice and touristy! Peace and have a good weekend! Pictures here

Cheney hunts quail and everyone else ducks

Got a gun, fact I got two That's O.K. man, cuz I love god Glorified version of a pellet gun Feels so manly, when armed Glorified version of a pellet gun Double think, dumb is strength Never shot at a living thing Glorified version of a pellet gun Feels so manly, when armed Glorified version of a pellet gun Glorified version of a... Always keep it loaded Kindred to be an American... Life comes...I can feel your heart... comes... I can feel your heart through your neck... Glorified...glorified... Headline: Sydney Morning Herald Lyrics: Pearl Jam/Glorified G./Vs. In the name of free enterprise, some profiteer is already exploiting this poor lawyer's tragic accident . This one is actually funnier.

And now, your moment of Zen...

Old picture, however, still funny. Have a good weekend.

With Gorilla Gone is there Hope for Man?

I've been rereading Ishmael by Daniel Quinn over the last week or so. Yeah, you're probably sitting there thinking, "Geez, Andrew, Ishmael is a pretty short book! It's taking you several weeks to read it?" All I can offer you in that regards is a hearty STFU! I rode the short bus to school, okay? Ishmael, if you've never read it, is a philosophical guide to life, environmental responsibility and eco-social understanding, sort of packaged up as a fictional novel. Ishmael is a highly educated lowland gorilla whose purpose in life is to educate human beings as to "the way things came to be this way". The actual character of Ishmael is non-descript. We discover little about his history or how he learned to communicate (telepathically) with his pupils. All of that is superficial at best, as it lends nothing to the real meat and bones of the book. What is important though, is that Ishmael is a non-human habitant of Earth, witnessing and relating the stor...

Gonzo Diplomacy


My thoughts on Super Bowl XL

Who knew Pittsburgh would come to the game with their own 12th man? First of all, I don't want to take anything away from Bill Cowher or the Steelers team. They worked against the odds to get to the Super Bowl and played a hard fought game. But, that being said, they didn't earn the Lombardi trophy last night. They were handed it by the officiating crew. Overall, the Steelers had three big plays in the game, two of which actually resulted in an "earned" touchdown. The first was a touchdown given to the Steelers when Ben Rothleswhatshisname was downed inside the 1 yard line on 3rd and goal. Although he made a valiant effort to get the tip of the ball past the plane of the goal line, after watching it several times in replay, it's obvious that this didn't actually happen. After the officials watched it several times in replay, though, it was obvious that this was going to be a night of one-sided officiating. One would wonder if these clowns were previously empl...

Caption This

The Toypresidents George W. Bush talking doll plays back 25 prerecorded soundbites, all of which either talk about freedom, terrrist, or September 11th. What wonderful words of wit do you believe is missing from this bumbling Ken? "It's clearly a budget, it's got lots of numbers." "These pretzels are making me..*cough cough*" "No, what I said to Tony Blair was, 'Al Jazeera is tha bomb.'" Doll actually says nothing. Transceiver and earpiece are sold separately. "Watch this drive." And the winner is... Sweet! Finally, I have a bookend-piece to complete my "American Heroes" action figure set ("Flight-Suit George" had been the coolest, until now!) - RK,DS

How Tax Cuts Work, for Dummies

America is unofficially bankrupt. Meanwhile, tucked into some military spending bill... Makes you wonder if Bush is going to make good on that pledge to cut the deficit in half by 2008. Let's just say I wouldn't place any large wagers on the probability of that occuring. So, given that information, does extending and making tax cuts permanent make a whole lot of sense? Or do the tax cuts only hurt our economy? Well, you don't have to go to college, or try to pay for going to college to come up with the answer .