How Tax Cuts Work, for Dummies

America is unofficially bankrupt.

Meanwhile, tucked into some military spending bill...

Makes you wonder if Bush is going to make good on that pledge to cut the deficit in half by 2008. Let's just say I wouldn't place any large wagers on the probability of that occuring.

So, given that information, does extending and making tax cuts permanent make a whole lot of sense? Or do the tax cuts only hurt our economy?

Well, you don't have to go to college, or try to pay for going to college to come up with the answer.


  1. You mean those loans aren't supposed to pay for Cancun????

    Seriously, Drew. Check out 'Coalition For A Republican Free America' as they make the case that less college=more enlistees.
    Come over and trash Kaine when time permits! Please let Kate know that she has gotten sympathy from the lunatic fringe community. :)

  2. "Let's just say I wouldn't place any large wagers on the probability of that occuring..."

    Well, I would hope not! Gambling is an addiction. Like oil.

  3. Just what America needs. LESS education...

  4. the corporate neocon feeding frenzy must go on.

    as they all have their snouts in the trough make sure and beat them on the back of the head with something

  5. That's why Chimp wants all the jobless to go to Jr. college...

    I think the idea behind cutting the student loan/financial aid program is simple. By taking the Government out of the role of subsidizing (sp?) student loans, that will allow private organizations, such as banks, to offer student loans at a higher than prime interest rate. More corporate welfare. It never stops.


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