Cheney hunts quail and everyone else ducks

Got a gun, fact I got two
That's O.K. man, cuz I love god
Glorified version of a pellet gun
Feels so manly, when armed

Glorified version of a pellet gun
Double think, dumb is strength
Never shot at a living thing

Glorified version of a pellet gun
Feels so manly, when armed

Glorified version of a pellet gun
Glorified version of a...
Always keep it loaded
Kindred to be an American...
Life comes...I can feel your heart... comes...
I can feel your heart through your neck...


Headline: Sydney Morning Herald
Lyrics: Pearl Jam/Glorified G./Vs.

In the name of free enterprise, some profiteer is already exploiting this poor lawyer's tragic accident.

This one is actually funnier.


  1. Love the post. Check this out:

    (I posted it right when you left your comment. Feel free to steal links. It's f-ing unbelievable, even for them.)

  2. Great, Drew. You hippie commie bastard.

  3. Anyone who profits off of Dick Cheney's dumbassedness is okay in my book.

    Like the E-Bay people...

  4. We're currently in development of a new video game. We think we'll call it "Dick Cheney's ultimate quale hunt."

  5. Hmm. I just wanted to be comment number six.... one good turn deserves another, Drew.

  6. Thank you for the great numerical stats there, Drew!

  7. Check out the Daily Kos where there are 634 comments on this story! The title of the the Daily Kos story is "Cheney drank before shooting his pal".

    From yesterday's Daily Show (2/13/2006) segment "#2 with a bullet"

    78 year old Harry Whittington is the first person shot by a sitting VP since Alexander Hamilton (who was shot and killed by Aaron Burr in a duel).

    Jon Stewart: "Alexander Hamilton... of course, shot in a duel with Aaron Burr over issues of honor, integrity, and Political maneuvering. Whittington was mistaken for a bird".

    The story has now been dubbed, "Dick Cheney Shot a Guy in the Face-Gate" (according to last night's Daily Show).

    Air America Radio Audio Clip: Dick Cheney's Gun Saftey Course PSA


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