
Showing posts with the label gay

Chris Matthews gets pwned by Ted Olson on Gay Marriage

If you've never heard of Ted Olson, he's the attorney that successfully argued Bush V Gore in 2000. Although he is known to be a staunch conservative, he was the attorney behind the repealing of Prop 8 in California last week. In this interview on Fox, Olson schools Chris Wallace on the 14th Amendment, the Bill of Rights, and what truly defines the overused phrase, "judicial activism". Where is the right to same-sex marriage in the Constitution?" asked Wallace. "Where is the right to interracial marriage in the Constitution, Chris?" replied Olson. "The Supreme Court has looked at marriage and has said that the right to marry is a fundamental right for all citizens. So you call it interracial marriage and then you could prohibit it, no? The Supreme Court said no. The same thing here," explained Olson. "The judge after hearing three weeks of testimony and full day of closing arguments and listening to experts from all over the world c...