
Showing posts with the label corruption

The Green Disease

We Americans are constantly being reminded by the media and our politicians about how terrible things are in this country. In 2008, Obama ran on a ticket of Hope and Change, successfully using the economic troubles of the Bush Administration to convince the voting populace that his administration would be able to turn things around. In the present Presidential contest, Mitt Romney's campaign is pushing it's own "Hope and Change" message, promising that their agenda will usher in a new era of prosperity and economic recovery. What these two self-serving politicians aren't telling you is that the goal is not to change a thing, but to MAINTAIN THE STATUS QUO. Have you ever wondered why the fringe issue of abortion always gets bantered around by politicians seeking election, but never is acted upon? Why change things? If Roe vs. Wade was overturned, Republicans couldn't run on a ticket of opposing abortion anymore. They would effectively lose that bargaining chip....