
Showing posts with the label love

Fix You

"Lights will guide you home...and ignite your bones... and I will try... to fix you" Sometimes in life, I have to take a step back and remind myself that I cannot fix some things in life, as much as I really want to. This is an especially difficult lesson to understand when someone I love greatly is suffering, whether it be physical pain or mental. What makes things worse is that I am 300 miles away from even being able to hug her and tell her that everything is going to be alright. Somehow, I have got to learn to accept that life isn't perfect and I cannot fix this thing about her.... it is part of who she is, like her nose or her little toe. I have to learn to help her cope and give her reassurance that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I know for a fact that she would do the same for me .

Time to Redecorate

Back in the blogging glory years of the mid-2000's this was a lively, vibrant blog. I used this to bare my soul and flush all the shit out of my head that was sloshing around up there. I thought of it as Ex-Lax for the soul. With the social media advent of MySpace, and more recently FaceBook, this little blog was abandoned, although I get random comments from time to time about posts I remember very little of. It seems kind of sad when I think of these people visiting my vacant blog. I've decided to come back. For a while anyway. I need to clean things up. I need to vacuum and dust, maybe move some furniture around and let my fung shui flow. I've decided to write about a journey that I am taking soon. This journey I speak of will be the most important trek of my relatively young 40 years. While it is, in fact, a physical move; that is a change in latitude; it is also dependent entirely on a sea change in my attitude. Thankfully, I have already made strides to turn the tid...