An Open Letter to Conservative America
Welcome to the day after. You are probably waking up right now and feeling that exact feeling of dread that I felt in 2000 and 2004. I don't envy you. But at least look for the silver lining. Now the Limbaughs, Hannitys and Savages have enough fodder to keep them employed for at least the next four years. Think of this as job security. I've read a few very angry and hateful posts this morning on Multiply. I don't understand why some people take it so personally that in a democracy as the United States happens to be, their neighbor or friend or relative may have voted for 'that guy' instead of McCain. Perhaps they do not understand that when it comes down to it, there are much more important issues at hand than a so-called racist preacher, a washed-up former domestic 'terrorist', a birth certificate (which to my knowledge has still not been proven to be false), and other below the belt associations and accusations. Shut down the propaganda mill. The whistle j...