An Open Letter to Conservative America

Welcome to the day after.

You are probably waking up right now and feeling that exact feeling of dread that I felt in 2000 and 2004. I don't envy you. But at least look for the silver lining. Now the Limbaughs, Hannitys and Savages have enough fodder to keep them employed for at least the next four years. Think of this as job security.

I've read a few very angry and hateful posts this morning on Multiply. I don't understand why some people take it so personally that in a democracy as the United States happens to be, their neighbor or friend or relative may have voted for 'that guy' instead of McCain. Perhaps they do not understand that when it comes down to it, there are much more important issues at hand than a so-called racist preacher, a washed-up former domestic 'terrorist', a birth certificate (which to my knowledge has still not been proven to be false), and other below the belt associations and accusations.

Shut down the propaganda mill. The whistle just blew and your shift is over.

I am a former Republican. I tend to vote fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I think less spending is needed. Not just at home but overseas and militarily. There is no justification to keep shoveling money into our defense department when technology has made warfare safer, cheaper and less dependent on physical manpower. In that line of thought, I also feel that while some government programs may be needed, it's necessary to dismantle and stop the ones that prove themselves to be failures. Otherwise, the taxpayer is not getting a significant return on his or her investment.

Then I began to realize that our Republican officials were actually worse than the Democrats they were always complaining about. After all, Bush didn't tax and spend. oh no. Bush BORROWED AND SPENT...thus enslaving future generations to pay back a massive deficit with interest to countries that do not espouse our concept of liberty. For six years, the Republican congress went right along with the Bush doctrine, increasing the government's credit limit on multiple occasions and allowing spending to go through the roof. For the first time in our nations history, pork barrel spending by Republicans actually outpaced the Dem's pork. Bush gave massive handouts as well to the pharmacuetical giants (under the guise of improving Medicare), Halliburton and other private corporations in a gulf war profit party, as well as tax cuts to the very oil industries that were sucking the American consumer dry at the pump. Of course, no spending spree would be complete without bailing out the fat cats on Wall Street after THEY shot themselves in their own greedy foot. And this is suppose to be the party of fiscal conservatism?

It is my viewpoint that this behavior is twenty times worse than spending tax dollars on social programs and the like. At least that money goes to Americans and gets spent by Americans, thus benefiting American businesses.

So here is your reality check. Your party has abandoned the ideals of conservatism and embraced the concept of fascist corporatism, dressing it up with family friendly, idealistic carrots such as ending abortion or stopping the impending onslaught of gay marriage. The neo-cons in office have set you down in front of their dog and pony show while the real money gets spent behind the scenes to further an agenda that has all but crippled our country. And if something goes wrong, such as the mortgage debacle or the incredibly high gas prices they blame the Democrats! Deflect blame! Point the other way! This approach had worked for a while, but I believe America finally caught on and hung the failed policies of Bush firmly around John McCain's neck.
So get it out of your system now.

Blame the liberal bias in the media.

Blame ACORN.

Blame the stupid neighbor who is a brainwashed sheep in your eyes.

Blame the racist preacher, the unrepentent domestic terrorist, or the leader of Nation of Islam.

Blame the Democrat-led 'do nothing' Congress.

Blame Hollywood.

Blame Obama's rejection of public funding.

Blame the CRA Act.

Blame the race card.

Blame the New York Times.

Blame George Soros and the "liberal elite".

Blame who you wish.

Just remember four fingers are pointing right back at you.


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