The Right to Life

Why is it that the majority of pro-lifers (correct me if I'm wrong here) are also pro-death penalty? All crime and punishment aside, doesn't sticking a needle into a man's (or woman or teenager) arm and purposefuly terminating his existence achieve the same net results as terminating a one dead human being (or viable fetus, zygote, however you view it)?

For the record, I support the death penalty. However, I have to call out the hypocracy here. The first arguement to be made will be that babies are innocent and convicted deserve to die based on poor choices that have effected others. This may be true, but there have been many cases recently of death row inmates being falsely convicted and imprisoned, only to be vindicated through DNA evidence. The state of Illinois recently recended it's death penalty because of cases as such.

If you truly live by the Ten Commandments, how do you get around 'Thou Shall Not Kill'? I don't remember hearing about a * being on those tablets next to that statement...


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