
Three jobs I have had in my life:
1. Account Analyst
2. Burger Flipper
3. Appliance Delivery Driver
Three movies I would watch over and over:
1. American Beauty
2. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
3. Donnie Darko
Three places I have lived:
1. Crestview, FL
2. San Luis Obispo, CA
3. Westerville, OH
Three TV Shows that I watch:
1. House
2. Family Guy
3. The Office
Three places I have been:
1. Wales
2. Spain
3. Seattle
Three of my favorite foods:
1. Hawaiian Pizza
2. Burritos
3. Sweet and Sour Chicken
Three places I'd rather be right now:
1. California
2. New Hampshire
3. Seattle
Three friends I think will respond:
1. Dunno
2. Dunno
3. Dunno
Three things I am looking forward to this year:
1. May
2. June
3. Moving out

Now, here's what you're supposed to do - and please do not spoil the fun...
Copy and paste this on your blog page. Delete my answers and type in yours. Give it the same title I did on my page.
Hopefully people will learn a lot of unknown little facts about you, and you about them.


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