
Showing posts from May, 2006

Caption This: Moammar, Out of the Doghouse

Image "I was sponsoring air terrorism before it was even cool." "They like me! They really like me!" (Flashing gang-sign) "LBC, biaaatches. That's Lybian Bad-Ass Crips to you. Better check yoself before you wreck yoself!" "Hmmm... in certain indirect light, I'm sure I could pass for Bono..." "Lockerwho?"

A few tidbits...

May is here and everything is becoming beautiful here in Westerville again. It's so nice to see green on the trees again, and witness the spring flowers blooming. We've been trying to spend a good amount of time outdoors, so I've left little time to my other interests... blogging ect. Ah, but so goes life. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recent polls show a pretty encouraging trend (or discouraging depending on who you talk to, I suppose). Bush is at an all time low of 31%, not too far off from Nixon's 27% during the Watergate scandal. Polls also show that the general public's trust in the Republican party versus the Democrats is also suffering. You hear Republican pundants constantly spouting off a "lack of agenda" problem with the Democratic Party. In my opinion, the Dems don't need one at this point. Bush continues to drive the party like a coked-up drunk headed for a brick wall at 110 ...

Thank you...

Thank you, Stephen Colbert!

Mr. Colbert Goes To Washington

I don't know if you've ever checked out "The Colbert Report" on Comedy Central, but it's quickly becoming a staple in my household. I would even go as far as to say that it outshines Jon Stewart's "Daily Show". While I love Stewarts swarmy wiseass commentary and humorous assignment reports, Colbert is near impossible to turn off. In character, he comes off as a well dressed, ill informed neocon apologist, with a little bit of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and a lot of Bill O'Reilly thrown in to boot. Bill actually believed that Colbert was sincerely attempting to imitate him. Saturday, Colbert was invited to the White House Corrospondent's Dinner, and gave a rousing speech (or roast, if you will) directed at the Bush Administration. George and Laura, in attendance, forgot to laugh. Story Here's some gems from the speech. [snip]He attacked those in the press who claim that the shake-up at the White House was merely re-arranging the deck cha...