In a not-so surprising move today, the Bush Adminsitration named Fox News Anylist Tony Snow to replace Puffy McMoonface as Press Secretary. Bush stated he felt the move would eliminate some of the needless beauracratic layers between the Administration and the fourth arm of the government, the Ministry of Disinformation.. or Fox News.

Bill O'Reilly is still waiting on his appointment.


  1. But compared to Fleischer and...OMG...McClellan is Snow photogenic or what?

  2. Of course Bush picked someone from FOX NEWS! They're the most fair and balanced news channel in the world!

  3. As Colbert says Fox shows both sides of the issue...the president's side AND the Vice President's side

  4. Hehe... Colbert killed in Washington...which is the subject of my next post.

  5. Faux news and Tony Snowjob are merely extensions of the WH..Billy O is just too outthere..even more so than Snowjob.


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