Utterly useless news item of the day

$2000 toilet seat stolen. Police have nothing to go on.

Thief Makes Off With $2,000 Toilet Seat
Gadget Supposedly Provided Heat
POSTED: 4:41 pm PST January 19, 2006
UPDATED: 6:25 am PST January 20, 2006
SAN DIEGO -- San Diego police are searching for a valuable, high-tech toilet seat taken from an unlocked storage closet.

Hamid Shoushtari bought the toilet seat on the Internet. He said the missing seat -- worth an estimated $2,000 -- is heated. He had planned to see whether he could market the seat in California when it was stolen.
"We may not use it in California, but in colder places like Chicago or New York, in the morning you can program it and it will heat up your toilet seat for about 15 minutes or whatever time you want," Shoushtari said. "You sit on it, you can adjust the water temperature if you want to make it warmer or colder."
Shoushtari said he did have concerns about how the toilet seat would work because it combined electricity and water, a potentially deadly situation for someone sitting on it.
The case is the first grand theft of a toilet seat in San Diego


  1. Ok Drew- now I am no toilet expert- but unless its a bidet (doesn't appear to be???) why do we care about the water temp? In case we want to soak our feet in it as well??????
    And who would ever choose COLD???
    Only the very drunk, the very aroused, or the very masochistic....

    dammit let me remember to blogroll you...I keep forgetting where you are...

  2. That thing could be dangerous to dogs... it could burn their muzzle as they happily drink from the bowl. Out there somewhere is a very pissed off dog-lover who was looking to cash in with a hefty lawsuit.

  3. aren't you grateful that our efforts at improving technology are going to such worthwhile things. lets not bother with disease or poverty and just make sure that out asses aren't cold for about the 30 seconds it takes to warm up when you are sitting on it.

  4. You find the damnest things...must be that Ohio thing...So does the Royal Seat Comr With Special Toilet Paper ?....or perhaps a Biday Boy ?

    And does it come in colors ? Like Trailer Trash Teal ?

    ( ok..I am un-cultured- I have no idea how to spell that word- but you knew what I meant....oh, wait I bet Lilly spelled it right? and see she was thinking along the same lines....)

  5. $ 2,000?! I'd say that guy got took, and THEN he got robbed.

  6. Compared to the $7000 toilet NASA installed on the Space Shuttle a while back, this one's a steal.

  7. talking about pissing good money away....

    sorry I could not help myself..

    seriously does it come with a Bidet Boy ( kind of like a pool boy? ......)

    Okay I am soooo bad .....I will leave...


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