How to Cheat, Lie, and Steal and Blame it on Your Opponent - For Dummies

Blognonymous has a great post on a new Washington Post chart that basically shows what Democrats have said all along... Abramhoff was lining three Republican pockets for every one Democrat pocket. But if you read sites like anti-Dem No Agenda or Espella Humanzee, you'll see how Republican apologists are trying to spin the whole "they did it too so it's okay" arguement. In fact, No Agenda makes no note of the blatent corruption happening on their side of the aisle. Typical.

Still, I haven't heard squat from the MSM about Bush's $100,000 in campaign contributions received from the lobbyist. Of that $100,000, the Administration has agreed to return 6% of the amount to charity. That's kinda like donating a small portion of your bank robbery pot to the Red Cross.


  1. Yeah.... when I have no Photoshop access, Google Image Search is almost as handy!

  2. I'm hoping that 'ole Jacky gets thrown into the clink while wearing the Village People's Indian outfit.

    THAT outta fill his dancecard quickly.

  3. Do you think they'll send him to some gated country club or a "Pound You In the Ass" type prison?

  4. Dude, I've been saying the same thing but no one has heard.

  5. "That's kinda like donating a small portion of your bank robbery pot to the Red Cross."

    Good God, man, why would anyone even consider donating anything to the Red Cross? I mean, these are the same people who, along with their Democrat handlers, mismanaged Hurricane Katrina in epic fashion (despite FEMA's best efforts.)

    If you feel obliged to donate to a worthy cause, might I suggest the Tom DeLay Defense Fund?

  6. ChasingDogma: I think all you need to do is watch a movie like Casino to see what may very well happen to Abramoff AND now Duke Cunningham (if TIME is correct and Duke was wired, the entire political world of scandals is about to be kicked into overdrive). I see a future for these 2 that could be filled with heads put in vises, 1981 Cadillacs being blown to bits, and beatings and burials in cornfields.

  7. You're right, Tina. The mobsters of yesterday could teach a thing or two to Cheney about torture. I can just see them putting Abramhoff's head in a vice and popping one of his eyeballs out to get the skinny... I was actually speculating to my better half that I have a strange feeling someone's going to be disappeared soon... either by cement shoes or wood chipper.

  8. 1. Both sides, if convicted, should go to jail.
    2. Both sides should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
    3. What the hell does the Red Cross have to do with this? If it wasn’t for them, many more would have suffered in a catastrophe so big that I don’t believe anyone could have fully covered, democrat or republican. The biggest failures came from the democratically run governments of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana.

    I will watch with interest as this unfolds. I suspect every Republican who is indicted will resign his position to fight it. Every Democrat who is indicted will keep his position, will fight it and blame the Republicans. Tis the way.

    A historical note: Washington DC was put in a mosquito infested swamp by our for-fathers in hopes it would keep the politicians at home for at least 6 months of the year where they could do no harm. Air conditioning destroyed those hopes. Now we have a monster government with monster spending (on both sides) and monster taxes. As a republican, I am ashamed that our side has joined in with their democratic colleagues with all their pork-barrel projects. If they can keep the taxes cut, the government will eventually have to cut spending – or go bankrupt. Either one would probably be a good thing.

  9. I was using the Red Cross as an analogy. Giving dirty money to charity does nothing to erase the impropriety. Other than that analogy, the Red Cross has nothing to do with the post.

    As I stated, it seems that the right is trying to spin this as an across the board scandle, yet the evidence (and yes it is way to early to seperate the sheep from the wolves) shows that it will effect the right much more than the left. If the Democrats were in power on Capital Hill, they would be the party under fire. The fact is, though, Abrhamoff was a Republican lobbyist, and although he did spread the wealth some, he stuck closer to his friends than his enemies. I, like you, will hold judgement until all the dirt has came out in the wash.

  10. Republicans once fell all over themselves to get his “moolah,” the term used famously by the disgraced super lobbyist, and to get his advice on dealing with that warm and cuddly entity known as “the lobbying community.” - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

    One member of the House, Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, figures prominently in the plea agreement under the pseudonym Representative #1. He is alleged to have acted on Abramoff's behalf 11 times. Former majority leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, is likely to receive intense scrutiny for taking trips to the South Pacific, Scotland and elsewhere bankrolled by Abramoff's groups - USA Today

    "Under Republican guidance, America has truly been put up for sale to the highest bidder," Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., said in her party's weekly radio address.- Associated Press

    The Washington Post has delivered a drip-feed of stories about the arrangements Abramoff made for DeLay to play golf in Scotland, visit South Korea, and meet Russian oil tycoons in Moscow. (Congressmen are, of course, allowed to play golf and travel abroad, but not when their expenses are paid by lobbyists or foreign groups.) - Slate

    "--the right is trying to spin this as an across the board scandle-" -ChasingDogma ???

    Most of the "spin" I've read has been just the opposite!

  11. I think you are confusing spin for facts. If spin is what you're after, tune in to Rupert Murdoch's 4th arm of the Republican Fox News.

  12. You think the New York Times, The Washington Post, Slate, etc print facts?

    I've got some beach-front property in Mojave to sell you, real cheap.

  13. Even the National Review is saying it's a Republican scandal!


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