Caption This

Bush's press conference, yesterday. Photo courteously stolen from Yahoo!

"Did I leave the toaster on? Hmmm....toast. I lahk toast!"

"Note to self. Remind staffers to get this damn wire fixed. I can barely hear the lines Rove is feeding me."

"Damn... I thought I told that intern to plant the remote camera so it would take out Helen Thomas, but she's still there!"

"I'll answer your question about my impeachable activities as soon as a pop this massive zit on my cheek. Stand back!"

"Where's McClellan? Isn't he supposed to be the one out here capitulating the propaganda?"

And the winner is...

"Maybe Laura will let me wear the spurs next time. Man that smarts..." - Rambler Joe Snitty

Runners up...

"It's hard not to pick. That is to say, it's hard work. By that I mean, it's hard, hard work not to pick." - Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker

"Thirty-five months and seven many hours do I have left? 7 days a week times 24 hours a day...HMM I guess it'd go faster if I only counted workable hours...five days a week times six hours a day for 25 odd weeks a year...hell I'll be home in no time!" - Philo

I think he has a Jolly Rancher caught in his molar or something...George likes his sucker candy. - Lily/Old Mother Reagan

"Hmmm, what would Condi do?" - The Bastard


  1. A - B - C ..., ... , no I've forgotten again

  2. Your on camera...ON CAMERA...don't pick it...don-...don't pick it!

  3. "Where is it that I live again? Big house? Nah, that ain't it.

    Little House On the Prairie? Nah, that's where Laura is from.

    Bitchin' House...."

  4. "It's hard not to pick. That is to say, it's hard work. By that I mean, it's hard, hard work not to pick."

  5. Uhh...fuck, how did I get here?

  6. I think he has a Jolly Rancher caught in his molar or something...George likes his sucker candy.

  7. "Hmmm, what would Condi do?"

  8. Maybe Laura will let me wear the spurs next time. Man that smarts...

  9. Peruvian Marching Powder
    Per-uuuu-vian Marching Pow-der
    Peruvian Marrrr-ching Powder
    Ching Ching
    Ching Ching Ching
    Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching
    Oh man, I'm FREAKING out
    Can't freak out
    Be cool
    Oh man, they KNOW I'm freaking out
    Freaking freak
    Condi's a su-pa-freak, su-pa-freak she's su-pa-fre-aky
    Crap, did someone just ask a question?
    Per-uuu-vian Mar-ching Pow-der...

  10. Crap. At what point are you supposed to stop getting zits?


    Dammit, woman. Man's got an issue and where the Hell are you?

    I can't believe the leader of the con-sarned free world has to put up with this crap.

    It's a cold day in cave of the devil when a man can't get a decent face pickin'.

    Laura? Condi?

  11. Just seeing what people came up with...good ones..

  12. Where's my fix of drew???

  13. Man I hate being a runner up? I always a runner up!


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