Can someone tell me why this is still legal?

Ohio court hears first case since ruling on homeowner rights

COLUMBUS, Ohio Ohio's Supreme Court today is hearing the first property-rights case to reach a state high court since last year's U-S Supreme Court ruling that governments can seize homes for private development.Joy and Carl Gamble are fighting to save their home from city officials and a developer who want to tear it down to build offices and shops.
Joy Gamble says, "What's ours is ours." In Ohio, a new law bans local government seizure of unblighted private property for private development. But in this case, the Cincinnati suburb of Norwood wants to take what it considers a "deteriorating" neighborhood for a 125 (m) million-dollar development. A legal expert says the case is important because if blight is "vaguely defined," then it would be "open season for condemnations."


  1. First, nice blog and a HI from a fellow ohioan...

    Secondly, having seen what happened locally here in Toledo when home and business owners tried to fight their land being taken for a new Jeep plant as well as other situations such as a mobile home park being bulldozed, situations like this really bother me.

    While there are of course legitimate times when a government should be allowed to take land from a property owner this is being abused. If this definition is allowed to stand it would be in my opinion a very horrible misjustice would be taking place.

  2. These governments are getting out of hand with this. I saw it happen in Wheaton, IL and in many parts of Chicago. In fact, Chicago has uprooted every type of neighborhood there is in order to pursue development. It's very sickening.

  3. Funny, but since Kelo became the ungodly law of the land, the Freepers haven't said 1 single word about seizing homes in a place like New Orleans, now have they? I guess they only bitch when "decent white folks" have their homes seized, eh?

  4. Lisa Renee- Hi and thanks for visiting! Always good to bump into another Ohio'an in the blogosphere!

    Eminent Domain law is a touchy issue. I think there are times when it is necessary. When I lived in Bakersfield, CA, the city had to buy back a few blocks of land because they allowed houses to be built on an old toxic waste dump. Obviously, for the public safety, this was a needed action. The rub, though, was the city wouldn't pay full market value for the properties, and in the end was sued by the owners.
    There have also been times where I think local governments have overstepped. Some cities have tried to use ID law as a means to evacuate and raze low tax base areas to put in higher taxed businesses. I have a hard time reconciling the idea that if you purchase something, like a house, the government still has a right to take that from you if it sees fit. There are too many grey areas in the law.

  5. James - Yeah, thats happening in cities all over the country. It's a bit of a multifaceted problem though. On one hand, cities (and states) become so developer friendly that they allow suburban sprawl to completely move the tax base out and away from the city. Then, instead of working with business and housing developers to revitalize urban areas, they simply allow them to deteriorate, which in action begins a domino effect. The housing industry buys up chunks of farmland to build cookie cutter suburban developments. The middle class abandons the urban areas to live in said suburbs, as crime and cost of living are lower. Those who can't afford to move stay, and the tax base drops. The inner city education system becomes underfunded, adding to the devaluation of property values and a drop in the quality of education. More flight occurs. Soon, businesses that have thrived for years in the city are forced to either close shop or move out to the suburbs. It's an endless cycle. In Columbus, cities on the outskirts of the metro area have openly allowed outward development at an alarming rate. Instead of attempting to revitalizing areas of the city, developers keep pushing further and further out. Cities need to be managed so that they may revitalize internally without simply resorting to a land grab. Instead work with the community to improve the neighborhoods. Work with businesses to draw them back and increase tax revenue. Budget emergency services in a manner that increases safety and decreases crime rates. Budget schools so they waste less and improve education quality. Increase cultural and diversity awareness within the community. Find ways to make urban living more attractive and accessable to the middle class.

    It seems like a lot of work, but it makes more sense than simply tearing down neighborhoods that have stood there for years.

  6. Tina - Yeah, they only really care about big government oppressing their base. As for NOLA, I think they would love to see it tore down and rebuilt to their specifications.. ie. high cost properties that price out anyone close or underneath the poverty level. It would be a white man's utopia, so to speak.


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