Right Wing Cheerleader of the Week Award

I'm a frequent reader of right wing propaganda. I'll admit that. I think there are quite a few decent, straight forward Republicans out there who run excellent commentary on their blogs. They are typically warm and open to respectful debate. Mike M.'s blog is a good example. However, I am convinced that there are some real nut jobs out in the blogosphere, who's primary goal is to berate and destroy any opposition to their polar ideology. So, with all due respect, I've opted to create a weekly award to highlight randomly selected right wing nutjobs' hate filled contribution to our online community as well as the political landscape. This section will appropriately be labeled "The Right Wing Cheerleader of the Week Award", in honor of everyone's favorite Yale cheerleader!

Without any further ado, this week's Right Wing Cheerleader of the Week Award is given to Ottman, over at The Creative Conservative. Otto is a fearless general of mis-information for the GOP propaganda war. His posts ruthlessly attempt to tear down Democratic politicians, the so-called Hollywood elite, and any religion not affiliated with Christianity. Whenever confronted with actual facts, or if he feels he has been backed into the Bush-apologist corner, he reaches deep down into his pockets and retrieves his secret weapon... Bill Clinton. Bubba is obviously responsible for everything negative that is happening in America today!

Al Qaida? Clinton's fault.

9/11? Clinton's fault.

Stock market bubble busting? Clinton's fault.

Libby indictment? Probably Clinton's fault.

Katrina? Again, Clinton's fault.

Vietnam? Maybe Clinton's fault.

The Titanic? Clinton?

I would be willing to bet that if you Googled hard enough, you would find that Clinton was also responsible for The Trail of Tears, spandex, and the Macarena.

Ottman, however, has a whole list of hate-targets, including Howard Dean, Cindy Sheehan, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter, Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha, Michael Moore, and Joe Wilson to name a few. He's never at a loss to paint any Democrat as un-American and Communistic. Here's a fine example of his eloquent penmanship.

From: Dean Says "We will lose in Iraq"

"Democrats who've whined like little brat kids against the war have shown they are not real Americans. They do not deserve to live in this greatest of all countries because they are spineless nay-sayers who do not understand what doing the right thing is or even means"
Apparently, I'm a fake American and need to move to Canada. That way, he and the like can continue to run this country into the ground without the constant interruption from the left.

"With only 10 days to go before the Iraqi elections, an increasingly desperate Dean continued with this: "What we see today is very much like what was going in Watergate," he said. "It turns out there is a lot of good evidence that President Bush did not tell the truth when he was asking Congress for the power to go to war. The President said last week that Congress saw the same intelligence that he did in making the decision to go to war, and that is flat out wrong. The President withheld some intelligence from the Senate Intelligence Committee."
Really now? Dean has blown this entire fiasco for the democrats. What evidence is Dean talking about? The same evidencethat president Bill Clinton had about Saddam when he insisted he had WMD's? The same evidence most democrat's were claiming as justification for bombing Iraq in 1998? Democrats all insisted that Saddam had WMD's when Clinton bombed Iraq and even then claimed a ground war was needed to oust him. The fact is that the president, should not release classified information against Saddam as democrats are calling for, so they could then charge him with the high crime of treason, which is what democrats are actually guilty of now. Dean wants America to give all our intelligence away to the enemy before we go to war, so they will be able to use it against the U.S., feeling we are just too powerful on the world stage and should take a back seat to some socialist country or be punished for success."
Again, it's back to Clinton. Notice the sly little insert of the dreaded 'socialist' word right there at the end.
"All Democrat's, ALL of them are selfish liars who complain about everything while offering no solutions, ZERO! Cutting and running as dems have wanted certainly proves how pathetically weak and shallow they ALL are. Liberal democrat's like Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Hitlery Clintoon, Babble head Boxer, Dick Durbin and Nancy Pelosi are a disgrace to the flag and should be impeached immediately!"
Wow. So much lib-hate in one sentence. Do you think he should be told that Hilary actually supports the Iraq war?
"They'd tell us every chance they get that our sacrifice is needed to help the great nation of Iraq, and we'd never hear the end of it. They still can't stop talking about JFK, Pearl Harbor, etc., and yet they never mention 9/11 or how President Reagan helped end communism in Russia, which they also protested against with violence."
A pure history revisionist, Ottman credits Reagan for destroying Communism in the U.S.S.R. I'm sure the dissolution of the Soviet Bloc had nothing to do with the Soviet's imploding economy and everything to do with Ron's "Tear down that wall" speech. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Reagan didn't play a role towards the so-called Democratization of Russia, but he certainly wasn't the quarterback trying to win one for the Gipper...
Ottman goes on to focus on the deportation of the left.

"Liberals are a truly disgusting bunch of shills, who should be deported to France or Germany where they can live in their desired nanny state for losers with unemployment more than double that of America's.

Democrat's side with the terrorists' because they don't appreciate freedom. They would rather have a socialist government to run everyone's lives for them while they rape it in the form of higher taxation and wasteful programs designed to keep people dependent on government handouts. Democrat's would be better off back in jolly 'ol England where we came from in order to get away from that kind of intrusive government control. Democrat's have been trying to shred the U.S. Constitution for decades in order to rule by judicial fiat, contrary to the American way."

So here's to you Mr. Rove-Nazi Attack dog! Your sure footed goose-stepping will surely stomp out the flames of Democracy. Your no sense, horse blinder ideology will surely bring on the coming apacolypse, or if not, maybe some indigestion and bloating. Your wit and constant Clinton degradation proves that above all, when you've reached rock bottom, you should always keep digging. Congratulations!


  1. No but he sure could play a mean whore-Monica!

    **bad right winger joke**

  2. OK, without all the name calling, what are Your Solutions to the worlds problems?

  3. Anon,

    When you say the world's problems, what in specific? Radical Islamicism? Global Warming? Nukular proliferation? Poverty? Hunger? War?

    There is no one answer to any of these.

    I'm not a politician or world leader, so it isn't my job to offer solutions to these, but I would be more than happy to give my opinion.

  4. Here's what I want to know ... is Clinton responsible for 80s hair bands? If he is, I'm going GOP BABY!!!

    Nope, but Hillary *IS* responsible for the "hair scrunchy".

    Seriously though, this dude over at the Creative Conservative is just that...creative...in oh so many ways.

  5. hey there- I left you an asnwer over at blogenfreude's about the Stoning sentence of a nIgerian woman.....hope that helps...

    I lover your blog- I will be back tomorrow to visit longer....

  6. I can understand some of this but I'm not into politics, sorry bro! Interesting blog!

  7. We are all condemned to be ruled by the Bushies... doing 5 to 8 as we speak.


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