After 2 year publishing delay, Bush Admin. releases masterpiece Strategy for Victory. Novel universally panned by war critics.

I caught most of Bush's speach yesterday streaming on NPR. While he sounded well rehearsed, it seemed to be full of the same old rhetoric that he's been rehashing for the last two years. What did shock me though, is how quickly he worked 9/11 into his speech! A mere 27 seconds in...

It's the first year that every class of midshipmen at this academy arrived after the attacks of September the 11th, 2001. Each of you have volunteered to wear our nation's uniform in a time of war, knowing all the risks and dangers that accompany military service.

Our citizens are grateful for your devotion of duty. And America's proud of the men and women at the U.S. Naval Academy.

I sat there and tried to remember all the Iraqi's that were on those four planes that attacked our country. Funny. I couldn't remember one of them being from Iraq. Maybe Saudi Arabia or Egypt. Apparently, they still want to trod out the ol' guilty by association horse and pony show. Still, 80% of the public doesn't buy that anymore.

I did however, come across a sure connection between Al Quaida and Hussein... as shown below:
(From a recent press release from the Whitehouse, justifying the bombing of

1. In December of 2002, actor Sean Penn went to Baghdad,
home of Saddam Hussein.

2. Sean Penn is married to actress Robin Wright Penn.

3. Robin Wright Penn made the movie "Forrest Gump" with Tom

4. Tom Hanks made the film "Apollo 13" with Kevin Bacon.

5. Kevin Bacon made a Visa card commercial with Indian-born character actor
Sahid Benjali.

6. Sahid Benjali used to bartend at the Lingerie Club in Hollywood.
In the early 80's he served drinks to Carmen bin Laden, a former USC
student, who is Osama's sister-in-law (estranged).

There you have it! Bring out the big guns!!!!


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