Tow the Line or SHUT UP!

I recently found myself 'banned' over at Let Our Voices Be Heard. Well, not really banned, but 'deleted'. It seems that the nice little old lady running the blog was patently offended when I brought up Kerry and McCain's military career versus that of Bush and Co... which, like a late night rerun of Who's the Boss, just isn't much to talk about. So, what is it about the truth that makes these people so mad? If you write an opinion blog and then open the floor for comments, can you reasonably expect to not get dissenting voices on your blog from time to time? And when you simply 'delete' their comments rather than argue their statements or dispute their facts, doesn't that make you look like the close-minded idiot? Here's what was said:
I've been perusing Senator John McCain's website at : and have concluded that Senator McCain isn't really a Republican. I've had my suspicions about this before, but my visit to his site has cemented those suspicions. Neither is he a Democrat. He straddles the fence and is attempting to gain future votes by positioning himself with both moderate conservatives and moderate liberals. He does, of course, have every right to do that. He has every right to take any position he wants to take regarding any political issue, but why do it under the guise of calling himself a Republican? I am a Republican and he does not represent my views or those of any Republican that I know.

It appears that McCain is simply attempting to secure his political future by appeasing liberals in this country while running as a Republican. Does he truly believe the positions he espouses? I don't know, but I suspect his entire agenda is simply to further his political career by attempting to glean votes from both Democrats and Republicans, and unless he becomes President of the Unites States we will not know what he really believes. We can only guess. If he should run he definitely will not have my vote.

If you are a Republican and believe Senator McCain represents you, would you please leave a comment explaining exactly in what way you believe he represents you? I know many others have a different take on Senator McCain and I am curious to find out why.

Fair enough... I'm not Republican, but I commented anyway. Guess I missed that tidbit.

At 4:20 PM, Drew said...
We'll see what you guys think of McCain in '08 when he runs as the GOP's only viable candidate. He's moderate, and with this country's majority moderate voting population swinging slowly towards the left as of late, he's your perfect candidate.

As to his amendment concerning torture. I think if you spent as much time in a Vietcong prison camp, being tortured, that you would espouse a much different view of the act as opposed to someone who, say, has not even served their country (got five deferments) or put themselves in harm's way.

Also, the antitorture amendment has the full support (minus 9 members) of the Senate and the backing of much of the military's higher brass. Torture does not work. It does not provide reliable intel. It is not effective, and it puts troops in harm's way. I fail to see how you can argue with the facts of the matter. It seems to me that those who want to keep torture available to the CIA support it for a strictly vindictive reasoning.

Here's my main problem with McCain.

He allowed the Rove Machine to completely smear his name and character during the 2000 campaign. Remember the whisper campaign that was started about McCain having a 'black' love child? Yeah... that one. That cost him the primary for the most part. Then, in 2004, while praising Kerry, he suddenly changed directions and became another Bush apologist... obviosly kissing Bush's butt all the while flipping those calendar pages forward to 2008.

At 4:07 PM, Phantom_Driver said...
McCain't is like a feather pillow: he retains the impression of the last person to sit on him.

Theres a persistent story about McCain't fathering a child in Vietnam that both sides are aware of. I think he's dirty, and as both sides know it and hold it over him.

He actually talked to Kerry 5 times at length about being a VP of his.
To me, that automatically rules him out of anything.

Anyone who'd consider running with that disgusting traitor to American soldiers belongs in the same category.

Just say "no" to McCain't.

At 4:39 PM, Drew said...

How many Purple Hearts did Bush get?



Yeah. I thought so.

How many Bronze Stars did Cheney receive?

Oh.. wait. That would require actually being in the military.

Who in our Government has actually put their money where their mouth is and served in our Armed Forces? Surprisingly, not very many righties. At least not the ones barking so loud!

Who Served

As for the Not-So-Swift Boaters... almost all of the vets that came forward to blast Kerry didn't actually SERVE with him directly. But I bet they were eager to get that check from the Rove Machine! The best part is that you BOUGHT IT! Just like you bought the Vietnamese love child rumor (started by Rove... they adopted).


And Kerry's so called lies before Congress?

Not so much. Go Google the My Lai Massacre if you still think that atrocities did not occur within the military during Vietnam.

At 4:51 PM, Gayle said...
Don't give me that Vietnam bs, Drew. My husband served in Vietnam. We were there when Kerry made our guys look bad. We were there when civilians in this country spit on our returning troops. I was there! Kerry is a cowardly traitorous (things I can't say here) and should have been shot as a traitor.

"almost all of the vets that came forward to blast Kerry didn't actually SERVE with him directly."
No, but they took the brunt of his traitorous actions. You don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.

I thought I kicked you out of here before. Yes, I did. You are gone again. Stay away this time you piece of total garbage and don't come back. I didn't ask for your opinion in the first place. I said specifically "if you are a Republican and think McCain Represents you, please let me know why?" You don't qualify.

And you will never be welcome here again. I'm leaving your comments stand so others can see who you are!

5:29 PM, Drew said...
Oh. I forgot you control Blogger and the Internet, Gayle! Better get some better IP blocking software because yours isn't working. If you wish to shield you or your friends from criticism, maybe you should consider turning off the comments so you can just spout your opinions and not have to hear anything but your loyal fellow Koolaid drinkers thoughts.

I actually thought you were pretty level headed for a Conservative, but alas, you proved me wrong. Any resemblance of the truth comes out and it's "Shut up! I'll delete you!"

Oh, and you've never um..what did you say? Kicked me off...

I personally don't care if you agree with me or if you call me garbage (which I'm sure is very Christian of you).

I guess it's my own fault in a way. I probably shouldn't have brought up the whole Vietnam thing. People don't like to hear that our country has from time to time did some pretty bad things. People don't like to think that our soldiers, whether under orders or not, would be capable of stepping over the line, as in My Lai or more recently Abu Graib. Soldiers take orders and do as they are told. The sad thing is, rather than learn from these atrocities, people like Gayle would sweep them under the rug and erase them from existance. It's easier that way.... to just rewrite American history into a John Wayne movie.

As Orwell wrote in his ironically anti-Communist book 1984:
"She only questioned the teachings of the Party when they in some way touched upon her own life. Often she was ready to accept the official mythology, simply because the difference between truth and falsehood did not seem important to her."
I like Conservative blogs. I like different views. I like a good argument. Preaching to the choir is nice but it doesn't foster Democracy. I would never delete someone's opposing viewpoint from my blog.
Unfortunately with neocons like Gayle... they want a pat on the back from their buddies for regurgitate misinformation that they hear on talk radio or Fox News, but if you try to argue, even in plain terms... They take a nod from O'Reilly.

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  1. Better get your facts straight (not from Move-On)

    Most of Swift Boat guys did serve with Kerry - at least for the short time Kerry was there. He weasled out of Viet Nam with some nicks and scratches (three wounds and your out) leaveing his crew behind to serve their full term.

    He later accused his mates of attrosities, and threw his medals away (turns out they were fakes too, he kept his.)

    The Swift Boat guys got their checks from other vets, grass root style. From those of us who were insulted and hurt by his lies when he joined the anti-war movement and threw away his (fake) medals. They did not get check from ROVE or BUSH or CHEANEY. If fact, the Bush team was upset about what the Swift Boat guys were doing. Personally, I didn't care. If Move-ON can spew their hate and lies, then go for it, Swift Boat.

    O'Reilly? How time changes history! O'Reilly was against the Swift Boat ads. He criticized them sharply.

    Finally, I'll agree with you about Gayle - If your skin is so thin you can't debate - don't blog.

    ps - you should get something in the mail Friday.

  2. How many purple hearts did your dad get? None. His orders to Viet Nam were cancelled 2 weeks before he was to ship out. His assigned out-post in the jungles of Viet Nam was over-run before he could get there, so no purple hearts.

    Bush didn't have to ship out either, as did thousands of other volunteers. Thus no purple heart. He did at least join and serve his country, which is more than I can say for many of today’s young folk.

    Yes, Kerry got some purple hearts, enough with his scratches and bruises to get out of Viet Nam as quickly as possible, leaving his comrades to finish out their time without his help. No wonder they were angry and formed the Swift Boat pac. Most of (but not all) the Swift Boat troops DID serve briefly with Kerry. Don’t revise history.

    Kerry spit on his comrades in the Navy when he threw his medals away in protest. (Only I understand the medals he threw away weren't really his) So I guess he bragged on the purple hearts he threw away but still had.

    Here are some fact’s you need to get straight. Swift Boat ads were paid by individual donations, not by Rove or the Bush team. In fact, Bush criticized the ads. It was a very successful grass roots organization, paid for by individuals and veterans from all over the country. Unlike Move-On which was (and still is) paid for by George Soros.

    Kerry was no where near the My Lai Massacre. His references about atrocities were fabricated and only served to derogate those of us were serving our country at the time. He had to retract them later. Because of Kerry, Jane Fonda and others we were afraid to wear our uniform in public when we came home.

    War is hell. Atrocities occur in all wars. The difference between our side and the other is if we (one of our people) commits an atrocity, he is tried and punished for it.. That has occurred in both My Lai Massacre and Abu Ghraib. I have yet to hear of any trials by the North Vietnamese over the many atrocities they committed. Solders are people, people aren’t perfect. Some are just plain bad. To blame the military establishment for the few bad apples in it is like trying to blame the city of Columbus for the few rapist or bank robbers in it.

    Bill O’Reilly? Another revision in history? Bill O’Reilly was very critical of the Swift Boat people. A point I disagreed with him on.

    I do agree with you on one point – Gayle. If she can’t debate with out getting so angry and/or deleting responses she gets, she should give up blogging.

    Ps – You should get something via snail-mail Friday.

  3. I have a hard time believing that the Rove War Machine was not at all involved in the Swift Boat Campaign. Rove is about the dirtiest political advisor in modern history. And don't take that personally... the guy is a genious in every sense of the term... and is 99% of the reason that Bush is in office today. I beleive that McCain would have beat him in the primary if it hadn't been for a mysterious whisper campaign about McCain's south Asian daughter. Dirty politics.


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