
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it." - Edward R. Murrow

I've spent a good deal of time lately exploring some interesting right-wing blogs here on blogger. I, of course, have a difficult time reading what is sometimes blatant propaganda and not having to exercise my right to comment. Some of the blogs I've visited are:

The Creative Conservative - Politics from a somewhat neo-fascist point of view. Basically this site serves as a constant firing range against Clinton, Kerry, Dean, and anyone that doesn't tow the proverbial neocon line. Reading Ottman's fits of rage is akin to watching a car crash in slow motion. Over and over.

Let Our Voices Be Heard - Written by a nice older Republican lady from Texas. Sometimes open minded, but usually very condescending towards opposing viewpoints. 90% of her comments are by similar thinking righties.

The Better Wing - Penned by a teenager who knows little about politics other than what he listens to on talk radio and Fox News.

What really strikes me about these blogs, and the people who write them and comment on them, is the pack mentality that evolves when a progressive, such as myself, makes any sort of descenting viewpoint. I've been called an idiot, a traitor, a terrorist, a demoncrat, satanic, brainwashed, moonbat...ect ect. The one I really love is the term - unpatriotic. In the thought processes of these people, do they seriously consider the other side to be unpatriotic? Did the Democrats call them unpatriotic when they were bashing Clinton a few years ago? Without two sides of an argument, what is left? An autocracy? Without criticism, how can one discern the truth? Now that the cold war is long over, has the far right redirected their efforts on eradication of the left here in their own country? If I support the troops but question the administration, does that make me un-American, unpatriotic? If I don't have a magnetic flag or yellow ribbon on the bumper of my import, does that make me a traitor as well?

A true patriot is someone that loves their country, and wants the best for it. A true patriot questions the decisions and policies enacted by elected leaders. After all, it's our tax dollars at stake, as well as our name and reputation. A true patriot refuses to tow party lines for the sake of 'fitting in' with one side of the aisle or the other.

A true patriot refuses to believe that two plus two equals five.

And the river opens for the righteous, someday

I was walking
with my brother

And he wondered
what was on my mind

I said what I believe in my soul

It ain't what I see with my eyes

And we can't turn our backs this time

I am a patriot and I love my country

Because my country is all I know

I want to be with my family

With people who understand me

I got nowhere else to go

I am a patriot

And the river opens for the righteous, someday

I was talking with my sister

She looked so fine

I said baby what's on your mind

She said I want to run like the lion

Released from the cages

Released from the rages

Burning in my heart tonight

I am a patriot and
I love my country

Because my country
is all I know

And I ain't no communist,
and I ain't no capitalist

And I ain't no socialist

and I sure ain't no imperialist

And I ain't no democrat

And I ain't no republican either
And I only know one party
and its name is freedom

I am a patriot

And the river opens for the righteous, someday

I Am A Patriot - Little Steven


  1. I'm with you on that, bro. It's amazing - to think that dissent is unpatriotic, unless you're the one dissenting!

  2. An excellent disertation on "the left" and patriotism can be read at

  3. Here's my problem with the blog link you provided. First of all, this guy, although well worded (obviously not homeschooled), is basically turning American politics into a black and white, good vs. bad issue. He's branded the left as extremists, hell-bent to destroy the country. Who does he define as 'left'? 80% of the voting public is moderate, neither left nor right. Most of these people share some common ideas and ideologies, yet differ greatly on others.

    Let's look at some of his brilliant statements, shall we?

    The Left is far to busy to promote freedom for the common man or woman, because their time is taken up advocating freedom for tyrants who oppress the common man; terrorists who kill the common man; and religious fanatics who subjugate the common woman.

    Heh? When's the last time I heard any progressive advocating the freedom of terrorists or Hussain (whom I assume he is referring to with the tyrant comment)? If I expect my country to uphold it's moral obligations to the Geneva Convention and abstain from torturing and abusing prisoners, am I advocating the freedom of terrorists? No. And as far as the third example he gives there, it doesn't hold water as our government has been holding hands with the Saudi's oppressive and sexist regime for years.

    Patriotism and love of one’s country is mocked by those who once fought to bring the American Dream to all American citizens; and who once championed those who were prevented from sharing in that Dream. Slowly and inexorably those idealists who once shouted, “we shall overcome,” morphed into a toxic culture promoting a never-ending victimhood that cannot possibly be overcome. Love of American ideals and values was transformed into the most perverse and vile anti-Americanism –where all things originating or “tainted” as American are uniquely bad; and where America became the source of all evil in the world.

    I'm not anti-American because I'm anti-Bush. This administration does not represent true American values in my opinion.

    As I said in my post, the far right is more than eager to equate the left with Marxism. It's like if you tell someone over and over again, repeatedly, that two plus two equals five, eventually they will grasp that concept as fact. Supporting a positive position towards a publicly funded social program does not equal Socialism. I, and most moderates, want well funded public schools, lower health care costs, an adequate but short term safety net for those who actually need it. Republicans want people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and be sucessful, but fail to realize that the starting point, or the depth of the hole said person is pulling themselves out of can be extremely different in each case. Do we need a program that allows people to live off of welfare indefiniely? No, not at all. But allowing the social classes in this country to further seperate is a step in the wrong direction, and a step towards the aristocratic societies our founding fathers fought to free themselves of.

  4. Alicia - Thanks. Like the late Joe Strummer once sang "You have the right to free speech, as long as you aren't dumb enough to actually use it!"


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