Athiest to waste taxpayer money fighting God motto on said money

Michael Newdow, the atheist who continues his fight against the Pledge of Allegiance, will open a new front this week in his campaign to purge references to God from government.

He plans to file a lawsuit Thursday in U.S. District Court in Sacramento, challenging the national motto: "In God We Trust."

UCDavis Health
Newdow wants to remove the phrase from U.S. paper money and coins because he believes it represents a government endorsement of religion.

"We are the nation that gave to the world the establishment that government should not endorse religion and everybody should be what they want," Newdow said Monday. "And of all the possible choices, we go with the motto of 'In God We Trust,' which totally contradicts that tradition."

One constitutional expert who has closely followed Newdow's pledge cases doubts that a challenge to the national motto - printed on a range of government buildings in addition to currency - will succeed.

The courts tend to view certain expressions like the national motto as casual religious references that have been around so long they've lost religious power, said professor Alan Brownstein, a constitutional expert at the University of California, Davis.

" 'In God We Trust,' " Brownstein said, "is not something that most people look at and even associate as being religious."

As recently as Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court turned down a request to review a ruling that the motto's inscription on the front of a government building in Lexington, N.C., does not violate church-state separation.

Newdow, an emergency room physician who is trained as a lawyer, is also waiting for a federal judge in Sacramento to rule on his request to permanently ban two Sacramento-area school districts from having students recite the pledge.

Newdow filed the lawsuit on behalf of himself and families whose children attend schools in Elk Grove Unified and Rio Linda Union after his earlier fight to remove "under God" from the pledge ended last year at the U.S. Supreme Court.

In that case, Newdow's battle against Elk Grove Unified - where his daughter was a student - ended when the Supreme Court said he lacked standing to pursue the case because he didn't have custody of his daughter.

As he works on his two legal cases, Newdow is also rehearsing a one-man musical about the U.S. Constitution that he will perform Nov. 22 at Sheldon High School in Elk Grove.

"Our Coruscating Constitution" - coruscating means sparkling - will feature Newdow playing guitar, singing about the "brilliance of our Constitution" and explaining his legal battles, he said.

"My goal is to make people understand what these cases are about," he said.

Tickets to Newdow's show can be purchased the night of the performance at Sheldon High School. They are $3 for students, and $5 for adults, Newdow said.

This guy Newdow is an idiot. He's going to waste a whole bunch of taxpayer money and court time for his own personal vendetta against religion. In the end it will get thrown out by the Supreme Court... if it goes that far. Seriously. Righties take crap like this and attach it to the liberals and Democrats in this country every time. If you are going to fight Intelligent Design...which is introducing religious theory into a scientific classroom setting, that's fine by me. But if you are going to waste time and money attacking traditions like the pledge, God on money, and the 10 Commandments in courthouses, you seriously need to find something more productive to do... like picking scabs or something.


  1. Note on Intelligent Design... maybe it should be taught, but not in Science class. I'm still torn on the subject.

  2. I'm glad to hear you speak out against Newdow. We need more reasonable Dems like you to speak out agains this kind of overreaching vendetta. Thanks!

  3. Hey, we agree on something.

    Maybe if liberals didn't support such organizations as the ACLU and other extreme left groups - the right wouldn't tag them with the same extremism.

    And if conservatives didn't support the extreme right they wouldn't be tagged either, though knowing the left wing media, I doubt it would make much difference.


  4. I can't say that I support the ACLU. I think they may have been a great idea when they were formed, but as history shows, they continually move to support the most radical causes they can find...left and right wing. This group would support Newdow on one hand while working with Limbaugh or even worse, a group like the KKK. I've said it before. The majority of Americans are fairly apolitical and moderate. They don't agree with this fringe PC crap. If you don't like the Pledge of Allegiance, don't say it. If you have a problem with In God We Trust on your money, use your debit card. Really. The Constitution says that Government cannot advocate or establish religion. This was placed in the Constitution by our forefathers because England had a state endorsed religion (Church of England) that severely limited it's citizens to practice other orthodoxies. "In God We Trust" hardly establishes any kind of 'National Religion'.

  5. Minor correction: The constitution restricts the "FEDERAL" government from "ESTABLISHING" a religion. It also restricts the "FEDERAL" government from "RESTRICTING THE FREE EXERCISE" thereof. The ACLU conviently forgets the second part. In fact, if individual states wanted to they could under the constitution establish a religion. Fortunately they don't. But that does bring up the question, how can the ACLU sue so many towns and citys for manger scenes? That is definately not covered by the constitution.

  6. States don't institute their own religion?

    Obviously, you've never been to Utah! ;)

  7. Point taken. (Utah) There were some other state sponsered churches on the east coast up until around the turn of the last century. The point is, the individual states do have a right to do so under the constitution.


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