All Dressed Up With No Place to Go

So, here we are in the middle of April. Tax time has came and went. It seems like all of our plans for the summer have come together. Chris' airplane tickets are ordered...the beach house is rented, our vacation time approved. Chris is set up to go to a daily camp at the Westerville Recreation Center during our work hours. I'm sure he'll enjoy that! We bought tickets to a Reds/Mariners game in July... right behind home plate. This next weekend we'll hopefully score some tickets to The Phantom of the Opera, which will be touring through Columbus during the beginning of August. I'm excited about that as I've wanted to see it since my teens.

The only uncertanty now, and it's a big one,... is the house situation. We still haven't found what we want in a house... and I'm wondering what's going to happen if we don't find what we want. Are we going to have to settle? Are we going to have to get a short term rental on an apartment or something during the summer? It's all entirely frustrating.


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