The New "N" Word
That would be the word Liberal. It seems like every conservative blog I visit these days has someone throwing the L word around at anyone who is to the left of neoconservative. Let's take John McCain for instance. Because of his stance on illegal immigration, abortion and other civil issues, he's been tarred and feathered by the far right and branded with a big "L" on his conservative ass. So that begs the question - are moderates now 'liberals'? If so, that's great. That means up to 70% of the US is now under liberal control, since between the far left and far right, the majority of this country's voting public remains moderate. That should make the fringe right happy. In my opinion, we need another party. One that is both rational and balanced. One that isn't war happy and won't spend shitloads of taxpayer dollars on failed social programs. With the growing divide between liberals and conservatives... this party is needed. I prefer to call my...