
Showing posts from January, 2008

The New "N" Word

That would be the word Liberal. It seems like every conservative blog I visit these days has someone throwing the L word around at anyone who is to the left of neoconservative. Let's take John McCain for instance. Because of his stance on illegal immigration, abortion and other civil issues, he's been tarred and feathered by the far right and branded with a big "L" on his conservative ass. So that begs the question - are moderates now 'liberals'? If so, that's great. That means up to 70% of the US is now under liberal control, since between the far left and far right, the majority of this country's voting public remains moderate. That should make the fringe right happy. In my opinion, we need another party. One that is both rational and balanced. One that isn't war happy and won't spend shitloads of taxpayer dollars on failed social programs. With the growing divide between liberals and conservatives... this party is needed. I prefer to call my...

Nader may be looking to spoil another election...

Image January 30, 2008 Nader takes steps towards another White House bid Posted: 03:23 PM ET Nader is taking steps toward another White House bid. WASHINGTON (CNN) – Ralph Nader, the longtime consumer advocate who was blamed by many Democrats for Al Gore’s loss in the 2000 presidential election, launched an exploratory committee Wednesday for another White House bid, and told CNN he is likely to get in the race if he can put the resources in place. "John Edwards, the banner of Democratic Party populism, is dropping out, and Dennis Kucinich dropped out earlier, so in terms of voters who are at least interested in having major areas of injustice, deprivations, and solutions discussed in a presidential campaign, they might be interested in my exploratory effort," Nader said. Nader has launched an official exploratory committee Web site, and said he will formally make a decision in about a month. He said he is certain to get in the rac...

One More Caption This

Classic Bush Pic...

Caption That: One for my friends on the Right

....and who could forget this candid moment from the 2004 Presidential race:

Caption This: One for My Friends on the Left

Funniest caption wins a... um... I dunno..I'll think of something. Righties can play too but I'm going to post one for you guys as well.

Get a Brain, Vote Republican!


Brokeback Mountain and the Struggle with Homophobia

So Kim wanted to watch BBM a few evenings back, mainly because she think's Heath Ledger is a hunk-a hunka... or should I say, was. Anyway, she'd never seen the movie and well, I'd seen it one and a half times. The first time, my ex Kate and I watched a bit of it at the theater. We were seeing some other movie and she wanted to sneak in BBM for a while and watch it while we waited for our show to start. Of course, we walked in and caught all the butt-secks parts. Then, after it came out on video, Kate forced me to watch the movie once again, from beginning to end this time. Now Kim has me watch it and again, I struggle with what I think is an inheirently natural disdain for male on male action. I wasn't so much grossed out by the whole butt-secks in the tent part as much as just seeing these two cowboys hold each other and kiss and grope. I don't know... it just kind of turns my stomach to think of my lips frolicking with some other guy's lips. So the question is...

7 Deadly Sins

WRATH Who did you last get angry with? Hmm. I don't know. I have a really high boiling's rare that I get really pissed at anyone. What is your weapon of choice? Christopher Walken Have you hit a member of the opposite sex? No. How about the same sex? Yes. Who was the last person who got really angry at you? Probably Kim. What is your pet peeve? Lazyness, intolerance, bigotry, stupidity Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily? Generally I let things go. I do still hold a grudge against my ex though... I got cut pretty deep. SLOTH What is one thing you're suppose to do daily that you haven't? Make my bed. What is the latest you've ever woken up? 4:00pm Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't? Cat and Ryan What is the last lame excuse that you made? I'm tired. Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through? No. How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning? Zero. I go...

Lou Dobbs: Our Leaders have squandered our wealth

NEW YORK (CNN) -- President Bush's assurances that we'll all be "just fine" if he and Congress can work out an economic stimulus package seem a little hollow this morning. Much like Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke's assurances last May that the subprime mortgage meltdown would be contained and not affect the broader economy. And it seems Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has spent most of the past year trying to influence Chinese economic policy rather than setting the direction of U.S. economic policy. There is no question that Bush, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will quickly come up with an economic stimulus package simply because they can no longer ignore our economic and financial crisis. That economic stimulus plan will amount to about 1 percent of our nation's gross domestic product, an estimated $150 billion. But all of us should recognize that the stimulus package will be inadequate to drive sustainable...

I think I've finally figured out Ann Coulter

She is the media equivelant of a Yahoo!Answers troll. My dad sent me "If Democrats Had Brains They Would Be Republicans" a few days ago. I started going through some of the chapters. Basically, she was taking things she had said that caused outrage and anger in the media..highlighting them...and retorting sarcastically. It seems like the book is less political commentary and more scrapbook of stupidity. But it seems like her popularity rides on how much she pisses people off rather than her actual intellect.

Seperated at Birth?

Mike Huckabee... And... Kevin Spacey?

The Pot Blog

Okay, this was kinda inspired by Tr!sh's blog on drug testing welfare recipients.... but I wanted to get a conversation going about pot...reefer...grass....kind bud...whatever you call it. Do you think it should be legal? If so, why? If not, why not? What restrictions should be imposed on it? Personally, I believe that anything you take into your body or do with your body is your own business and not the government's. I think that pot should be listed under the same classifications and restrictions as cigarettes or alcohol... both of which are a much higher health risk than marijuana is.

Bloomberg quietly investigating an independant run for POTUS...

Bloomberg may still yet run for President, although New Yorkers don't support the idea. The money is there for him though... What are your thoughts?

Ohio State Vs. LSU

Who's going to take it all?

Bill O'Reilly is a Big Fat Douche

Sorry, but he is. I can handle most of the Fox News peoples with only mild irritation... I mean Jon Gibson and his phony War on Christmas gets old and Sean "Supachin" Hannity's whiny gripes can be slightly annoying... but O'Reilly is, simply put, an asshole in every sense of the word. If he disagrees with his guests, he belittles them. If they fight back, he cuts their mic or gets one of his other guests to gang up on them with him. He's got the audacity to act holier than thou and promote himself as a strong Christian pundit, yet sexually harasses female staffers and threatens to soap them up with his loofah. On Saturday, Bill strong armed an Obama staffer because he wanted to talk to Barack. If I was the staffer I would have leveled O'Reilly right then and there. From CNN: O'Reilly Gets Physical with Staffer (CNN) — Fox News talk show host Bill O'Reilly had a confrontation with a staffer for Barack Obama’s campaign that the aide and several eyew...

Schools - What should be done about them?

We all agree that they suck, well some suck and others could be better. Some of that is due to buerocracy, some can be attributed to bad school boards and wasteful spending. Conservatives complain that public schools are too liberal and poorly managed. Liberals counter that Conservatives only want to privatize schools so they can give taxpayer money to private schools and use private schools to shield their kids from multiculturalism. What are your thoughts? How can things be fixed?